August 24, 2009

sometimes there are not enough rocks

Haiku: there are 17 syllables
by Matt Freire

You only lose that ignorance after you gain that experience

If feeling real stupid is normal then I must be really normal

Sitting on a flight line all damn day sometimes there are not enough rocks

Life is so fast and so complex what happens when it finally slows down

I drink hot sauce not because I like it but because it looks so cool

That last one was a lie I like hot sauce I just can’t stomach hot stuff

Potential to be notable potential to not note anything

I want a mortar to go through my ceiling because I like sun roofs

The best part of my birthday in Afghanistan was killing hot sauce

It’s cool when I sweat it keeps me cool but it doesn’t make me look cool

I almost blew up today actually I didn’t even come close

I lay in bed needing to pee but telling myself I can hold it

Farting in a zipped up sleeping bag not always the best idea

I wish mentally I could scratch my head, mentally I can’t do it

My shoulder is knocked out of place and it hurts

The strangest thing happened but it stopped abruptly

Birthdays are better in Afghanistan when no one around you knows

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